Direct Care: Patient Centered Medical Care


When you join our program you will receive comprehensive primary, preventive, and wellness care. By charging a monthly fee we operate outside the insurance system and do not bill or receive payment from insurance carriers.

That means you receive unrestricted comprehensive care without limitations based on what your insurance coverage allows.  Health care decisions are made between you and Dr. Hendler.

For an affordable monthly fee all services available in our office are provided with no additional charge.  With Direct Care you spend less and get more. Complementing our primary care program with an appropriate low-premium/high-deductible insurance plan to cover the cost of outside services, catastrophic illnesses and injuries may actually reduce your overall health care costs. 

Why it works

Traditionally, up to 65¢ of every $1 you spend on health care is used for insurance billing and overhead. This means your doctor must work harder and faster, seeing more patients each day just to make ends meet.  Our program allows us to reduce our costs and pass the savings on to you.  This system also allows the doctor as much time as he needs to spend on each patient.

We feel certain that after you join us, you will agree that this is the best medical care you have ever received.


Services provided include*:

1.       Office visits

2.       Home visits (when indicated)

3.       Unhurried visits

4.       Same or next day urgent care appointments

5.       Consultation with other health care providers to improve your care

6.       Coordination of hospital care

7.       Telephone care (when appropriate)

8.       24 x 7 on-call availability

9.       Blood drawing and specimen handling

10.    In-office lab work (limited number of tests)*

11.    X-rays (including consultation with radiologist when indicated)

12.    Electrocardiogram (EKG)

13.    Pulmonary (lung) function testing

14.    Vision screening

15.    Audiogram (hearing screen)

16.    Ear wash

17.    All minor surgery

18.    Medical injections

19.    Ultrasound treatments

20.    Ace bandages and splints

21.    Help scheduling and expediting outside appointments and care

22.    Arranging for home health care and equipment

23.    Advocacy for you in all outside health care issues

The services listed below are not provided by our office and are not included. These services are usually covered by health insurance, which we encourage you to obtain or maintain for that purpose:

1.       Diagnostic testing of specimens sent to an outside laboratory**

2.       Care from other health care providers

3.       Care from hospitals and other health care facilities

*  Services included may be temporarily limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

** Lab work done by outside services are offered at a reduced rate. Please inform the Office Manager if you wish to participate in our Cash Labs.